Joseph Rufrano
Associate Svigals + Partners, an FCA Company

Joe was born in Polla, Italy, which is in the Campania region–right around the laces of the boot. Here in the U.S., Joe attended the School of Architecture and Fine Arts at the New York Institute of Technology. Happily for us, Joe found he liked Connecticut and wished to work here. He started at Svigals + Partners in 1996.
With 19 years of experience under his belt in developing meticulous design and construction documents (he calls it “communicating architecture with things such as lines and words), it’s hard to imagine our firm without Joe. His leadership of construction phase services–managing our team members and keeping consultants and contractors focused on the excitement of each project–is unparalleled.
Even after two decades with us, Joe is still excited to come to work each day. He attributes that excitement to regular nourishment of the firm’s human-scale philosophy, applied to projects of all types and sizes, which he believes is responsible for the change and growth he’s witnessed while with us.